Plan now to attend the Write His Answer Conference. Again this year the Colorado and Greater Philly Christian Writers Conferences will be combined into ONE virtual conference July 30 – August 2, 2015. With over 100 hours of LIVE content that will be available through the end of the year, this is an incredible learning and networking opportunity. Registration opens April 1.
You’ll find the conference info on the Colorado website –
My name is Marlene Bagnull and Write His Answer Ministries is all about encouraging and equipping you to write about a God who is real, who is reachable, and who changes lives!
♦ Have you ever been ready to give up?
♦ Have you tried everything you know but feel like you’re banging your head against a brick wall?
♦ What do you do when the accuser tells you that your best isn’t good enough – that it never has been and never will be?
Perhaps it’s a manuscript you’ve been working on for years. You’ve rewritten it not just once or twice but many times. Still you’ve been unsuccessful in finding an agent or publisher. It makes no sense because you know it’s something God has called you to write. You’ve studied the craft. You’ve gone to critique groups and conferences trying to find that missing something. And now . . . now you’re not sure you can keep on keeping on.
That was my experience with my first book that some of you know was rejected by 42 publishers over a six-year period. If I had given up (and believe me, there were many times I wanted to), it and the seven books that followed would never have been published. I would not have founded the Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference in 1983 or said yes in 1997 to directing the Colorado Christian Writers Conference. Both conferences are still encouraging and equipping Christians to “write about a God who is real, who is reachable, and who changes lives.” Because of the pandemic we went virtual in 2021. In 2024 we are again combining the two conferences into one virtual conference August 7-10. Registration will open June 1. For info click here.
Now is the time to believe
you can make a difference!
Father, I ask You to use each one of us in Ephesians 3:20 ways. Help us to believe, really believe, that You can use us to make a difference. Most of all help us to draw increasingly close to You so that the words we write and the lives we live will point others to Your Son who came and is coming again. In His name, Amen
Registration opens April 1
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